Contact Information

How to be in touch with the team of Wedding Planners

Our contact details

For priority requests please call us at +39 (0) 432 931 457
WhatsApp requests: +39 340 7230438
Office hours: Monday to Friday from 9.00 am to 6.00 pm (GMT +1)

Smart request
Quicker than an e-mail
Complete the "Long form" with more details
It will take from 5 to 10 minutes to provide us more comprehensive information and let us answer with more specific and tailor information
Spouses information
Language of planning
We provide a service in English, Spanish, and Italian, but, if you are no confident in any, please provide us your preference.
Size of your wedding
Specific informations
Location, venue, and vision
Where do you imagine? What background? How do you imagine your wedding ceremony? The entrance of the bride? Music? Decorations? How do you envision your reception style? The more information, the better suggestions
Please, add any personal comment to help us tailor our suggestions