Elegance and so much love: an exclusive villa in the outskirts of Florence

Just imagine… a fabulous Medici villa in the outskirts of Florence… elegant Stucchi and fairytale gardens… breathtaking frescoes and stunning statues… romantic countryside landscapes and princely atmosphere, making you feel as if you had traveled back in time to the days of Italian Renaissance… wouldn’t this just be the right setting for an actual fairytale wedding?

This lovely Brazilian-French couple couldn’t have wished for a better scenery for their special day in Italy… a heartfelt catholic ceremony in the stunning Ognissanti church is truly a once-in-a-lifetime event, moving, and conveying the deepest feelings of love and bless… accompanied by romantic music, with loving friends and family at your side… what could say Italian wedding better than this? Louisa and Louis just cherished every moment of this special day… Elegance, history, romantic feeling, and happy friends and family at your side… and the stunning wedding villa played no small part in conjuring up the most special atmosphere ever… candles and flowers… splendid gardens and a fabulous dining hall… lovely and stylish at the same time!

Come and enjoy the true Italian feeling for your special day… live a life-changing experience, where elegance, history, natural beauty and marvelous food and wine will accompany you throughout this special day! All you need to do is… click here! Let’s start making your dreams come true!